Xtreme Drivers #WomensDivision

Xtreme Drivers #WomensDivision

Getting ready to see more pink at XDL tee, with a focus on growing the Women's division for the sport of long hitters. IGANZ looks forward to the first Australian Women's XDL Championship in 2022. Olna Ford, CEO of IGANZ is ready to start the Women’s National Team and look to have scouts out and about in the new season. The Australian XDL Championship is set for March 2022 with a hold on the announcement due to the pandemic causing concerns. The commercial push will be focused on participation and growing the awareness of the sport. IGANZ representatives in Australia will roll out the National Growth Plan for events and community activities which will start from January 2022. With a strong connection to Golf the first events will open up with clubs being host to some of the qualifiers for the National XDL Championships. If your club wishes to participate, IGANZ invites interest through the website at www.iganz.co.nz (go to register my club). The IGANZ mission is to grow the sport of Long Drive and Xtreme Drivers League with the added promotion of Golf in the mix. “With the pandemic causing so many delays, we want to work with venues to support the two sports”, says Olna Ford. Get your clubs best trained and register your clubs interest to host the next XDL event.

Nicola Dick - XDL Champion