Building Business with Australian Associates

Building Business with Australian Associates

New Zealand owned company IGANZ has landmarked sports history in Australia dating back to December 2017. The Trans Tasman Clash brought the two nations of New Zealand and Australia together, smashing it out for the famous Darren Wise - Stingray (Trophy) in which the Aussie Long Ballers took it out from the New Zealand Long Blacks. Excitement grew when IGANZ returned with the Australian Long Drive Championship in 2018, the players delighted to see the sport alive again and quickly the need for more events in Australia became apparent. Fast track to 2020 when IGANZ was ready to return to AU and the pandemic hit hard and fast, this has been the cause for all IGANZ events to be put on pause. Australia is set to have the IGANZ banner raised again in March, however this will be with IGANZ associates based in Australia that wish to keep the IGANZ brand growing. Australian run events and sponsors will be doing all the groundwork to support the growth of the sport along with keeping the companies and brands investing in the sports future happy and involved.

Karl Peters the Golden Cap (1st IGANZ Australian Champion and Aussie Long Baller)

IGANZ has invested in the sport since 2016 with the knowledge that neighbouring country Australia was important for the growth of the sport. With the pandemic still placing restrictions on travel and events in both Australia and New Zealand, it’s been a back footing to get IGANZ events in motion. The plans for 2022 are ready to roll out in January with IGANZ - Collective brands, seen at all events. There’s going to be excitement around the announcements being made over the next 8 weeks, for the sport and players globally. The Aussie Long Ballers brand and players will be promoted commercially in 2022 with the focus of the National Team being at the forefront of the sports media to generate hype. For more on the Australian events and other announcements, head to