Royal Canberra team wins Sen. Scratch

by Jim Jackson

Report from match Referee – Steve Noble…..

In bleak and testing weather conditions, Royal Canberra has prevailed over Yowani 5-1 in the 2022 Senior Scratch pennant final held at Murrumbidgee Country Club on Thursday 7 April.  Conditions were cold and rain fell steadily for most of the day creating a test of both golf and character for the players.
With five of the six matches finishing on the 17th or 18th green, the headline score of 5-1 does not necessarily convey a true indication of the closeness of the contest.
Murrumbidgee management, grounds staff and match committee did well to prepare a course that stood up well to the wet conditions.
Team captains Darryl Whitehead of Royal and Gerard Dempsey of Yowani both paid tribute to the quality of the opposition, the spirited but friendly nature of the contest and the condition of the course under difficult circumstances.