Driving the sport to the tee with helping hands

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Driving the sport to the tee with helping hands

The sport of Long Drive and Xtreme Drivers League is emerging and creating a flood of interest. IGANZ has invested in the sport since 2016 and since has completed 26 events in 5 countries to showcase the sport and create a following. From August 2021 IGANZ will be appointing management crews in associating countries who will take care of sponsors and the event operations. Giving back to venues and to promote both Golf and Long Drive to attract a wider audience. IGANZ has landmarked sports history for Long Drive and is recognised at National Level embarking of implementing the governance around the sport in New Zealand and working with International Associations to take the sport to NEW heights.

IGANZ will be uploading a Volunteers link seen on www.iganz.co.nz for fans who wish to be part of the events and the sport in some way. There will be new developments including training days for volunteers who will be gifted uniforms and VIP items for their participation. Our mission is to grow the sport of Long Drive and Xtreme Drivers League whilst engaging the community. Giving back to our regions and developing long term relationships is the mission for 2022 and beyond.

We would love for you to be part of it!