Beyond the Tee with XDL

Beyond the Tee with XDL

Growing the sport of Long Drive has been the mission since 2016 for Olna Ford, CEO and President of IGANZ, Xtreme Drivers League. Recently recognised as the National Sports Organisation for Long Drive and XDL, there is a strong focus to grow participation and adapt the ways Long Drive is promoted within the community. The pandemic challenged Olna to think about off-the-green activities and with this NEW business products and services have been drawn up and planned to come to life by summer 2021. Top of the list are Simulator Trailers, Drive Cages and Mobile club fitting hubs.

iganz trailor.jpg

These will be available in Australia and branded with the Aussie Long Ballers

The IGANZ Collective is fast becoming recognised for the impact on the sport of Long Drive. IGANZ is focused on XDL becoming more accessible in 2022 and is excited about the XDL Virtual Tour Championship being launched with American Company Optishot. Proud to say the IGANZ designed the Xtreme Drivers League Grid here in NZ which has been uplifted to the Optishot software. Players all around the world will be able to register and compete against the best around the globe. Taking the sport into the community has always been important since IGANZ’s first Long Drive event, better known as the International Long Drive Invitational 2016. International Long Drivers from Europe and America were sponsored to Auckland to showcase the sport and became famous when their hands were laid in concrete to commemorate the sporting event. Olna has and will continue to give back to communities and charities, her International players seen here cooking My Food Bag for the kids + families of the Ronald McDonald House.

A visit to local Hobsonville Point Secondary school Auckland New Zealand

Education and Participation are Key subjects for IGANZ.

On road activities will be called Beyond the Tee with XDL and IGANZ looks forward to the first Drive Trailer being out this summer.