Driving NEW Business To The Tee!

Driving NEW Business To The Tee!

The IGANZ Trans Tasman Clash is famously recognised for bringing sports history to the two nations of Australia and New Zealand. Dating back to December 2017, the New Zealand Long Blacks landed in NSW to take on the Aussie Long Ballers for the Darren Wise Stingray (Trophy) and title win. The National Teams (Originals) autographed polo can be sighted on the wall of fame at Greg Norman’s course - Stonecutters Ridge Golf Club, NSW. The Aussie Long Ballers took out the win for the first competition, and the New Zealand Long Blacks are current holders of a back to back win. Australia has hosting rights every alternate year and with the event already challenged by bushfires, a tornado and a global pandemic for a second year in a row. The event for 2021 looks to be pushed into March 2022 as COVID travel restrictions are causing concern. Olna Ford, CEO of IGANZ is excited to announce more upcoming events and promotions for the National Teams, that are being planned under IGANZ Trans-Tasman Series. The additional activity will see the National players in the media limelight and in the community. Objective to grow the sports awareness whilst building the players profiles up, commercially. With the pandemic causing disruption and uncertainty, it’s an obvious decision to find other ways to keep the ball rolling and promote the sport. IGANZ website www.iganz.co.nz is being updated with all current and future events. IGANZ is an NSO for the sport and the National Teams are the driving sport for the growth plan.